Business Line 508-755-1104


Business: 508-755-1104

Non-Emergency: 508-791-6600

Fax: 508-793-3111

Paxton Police Department dispatch services are provided through a regional agreement with the Wachusett Regional Emergency Communications Center (WRECC) located within the Holden Police Department’s Public Safety Complex.

The WRECC is a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). All WRECC Dispatchers are responsible for answering E-911 emergency calls while providing Emergency Medical Dispatching (EMD) instructions on all medical calls for service. Along with the above responsibilities, WRECC dispatchers are required to process non-emergency and business calls for police, fire, EMS, highway, water, animal control, light, and other town departments. The WRECC is staffed 24 hours a day 365 days a year by both full and part-time dispatchers.

The Wachusett Regional Emergency Communications Center is committed to providing the highest level of dispatch services to their four participating communities (Holden, Paxton, Princeton & West Boylston). They recognize that they’re the first point of contact for a person in crisis, and they respond to all calls for service in a timely, calm and professional manner.

If you would like further information, please contact the Paxton Police Department’s liaison to the WRECC, Sergeant Forrest Thorpe at